A Geeky Dad's Blog (Gary)

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Janathon 6/31 Headphones aghhhhhhh

by on Jan.06, 2011, under Janathon Juneathon

Well tonight, easy choice same as yeaterday, bike and weights, nothing to exciting, added a few more kilos to some of the machines….go me lol

See the activity on RunSaturday

Type: Bike – General
Duration: 0:15:00
Distance: 8.70 km

Ok it driving me nuts, I have headphones that sound good, but there driving me nuts they keep falling out, even when I’m just on the bike…so come on people recommendation please, thinking good old fashioned over the head jobbies, or some sort of band to hold my current one in….ideas on a postcard please

I go nuts if I have to spend 25 more days pushing them back in ;-)


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Janathon day 5/31 Little steps

by on Jan.05, 2011, under Janathon Juneathon

So for today Janathon I thought long and hard about what to do, legs still sore, so nice and easy..so I jumped on the bike for 15min, the seats on the things are huge and really uncomfortable , almost make me miss my bike seat, still gym was busy so I went and hid in there dark room, all went well.

See the activity on RunSaturday

Type: Bike – General
Duration: 0:15:00
Distance: 8.70 km

After the bike, I did my weights, missing the legs ones, fininshed again with some abs work, then on the way out I thought I would test the old legs on the tread mill, so set pace to 6kph, and did 5min

See the activity on RunSaturday

Type: Walk – General
Duration: 0:05:00
Distance: 0.50 km

Relief after 5 min I was not in pain, my legs are still sore, but still no worse so, I stuck with taking it easy but at least I can ride/swim/walk and do weights, hopefully I be back to running next week sometime.


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Janathon Day 4/31….3 what that?

by on Jan.04, 2011, under Janathon Juneathon

Well Day 3 was shall we say….it did not happen…what with sick kids sore legs meant I thought I better not do anything.

Going into Janathon, I thought I manage the run everyday, couple of K a day…that be easy, started at the gym a few weeks ago, and all was good…I’m not a runner, but had just completed a charity event swim 22 miles in 12 weeks, so was feeling good… positive if you like.

31st I ran at the gym, all was fine, felt good, I’m enjoying the running, something that @pucegreen got me into and liked the idea something that, when time permits we can do together (even talk of a runnning holiday).

1st of January, the start, time to get my running shoes on…and my new tights and most importantly to try ouy my Xmas present from @pucegreen a nike+ sportband….let just say it did not go quite like I thought it would…

2nd Jan….not going there again (see previous blog)

on the bright side…..

I am enjoying the running, but it going to take some time to get into the groove…look out juneathon ;-)

I have a plan, next Monday Badminton start up again so that my Monday Janathon’s sorted, I am dying to get out on the bike, been 4 months since I last used it and of course I going to jump back in the pool…..so for me janathon a going to consist of a bit of everything…except doing bugger all

So onto tonight activity…GYM…did all my arm weight training as well as my abs workout…then I jumped into the pool and did 400M mainly front crawl…..I hardly ever use my legs doing front crawl…after that I came home…feeling better about life and janathon

Is there such a thing as a easy triathlon? random thought of the day I know but still it not going away (the idea), well here to the rest of Janathon


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Janathon Day 2/31

by on Jan.02, 2011, under Janathon Juneathon

See the activity on RunSaturday

Type: Run – Treadmill
Duration: 0:10:13
Distance: 1.15 km

Well today did not go according to plan…3K was the plan….got to the gym..started walking on the treadmill, but soon as the speed hit running pace, it was well quite painful, so slowed right down and walked to 1K  and a bit….

did some arm weight training for 10min then left gym…sulking not a happy chap!!!!!!

so all in all day 2 result = pants!!!!!

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Janathon Day 1/31

by on Jan.01, 2011, under Janathon Juneathon

Janathon Day 1

See the activity on RunSaturday

Type: Run – General
Duration: 0:22:09
Distance: 2.80 km

So this will be my first run and I learnt a lot…..

  • I need better headphones for running…kept falling out….
  • gloves…..my hands got soooooooo cold
  • take some water with me
  • When it’s cold it pain to breath when running..must take my inhaler with me!

how did it go well, first K was fine, nice quick one…felt good, but after about 7min i was finding breathing hard, very dry mouthed (water next time..doh!) so most of the 22min was walking but think I found a route to do about 3k so think I am set to have another go tomrrow

Oh and I did 15 min of @pucegreen yoga Video….NOW that is hard!!!!

Day 2 Bring it on!!!!!


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It Starts tomorrow…Janathon..oh and happy…..

by on Dec.31, 2010, under Fitness, Janathon Juneathon, Ramble

Well tomorrow is the start of a new year…..and day 1 of Janathon

I am a bit keen, so went to the gym today, I have asked to up my time on the treadmill to 15 min (total of 18 min with cool down) total of 2.64K so going further and a little bit quicker…

All that left to say….Is good luck to all the Janathon people and Happy new year to everybody :)

See you all nex year :)


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Gym….Jedward…Men in tights

by on Dec.22, 2010, under Fitness, Janathon Juneathon

I said I would blog today (Twitter) as I need to practise blogging more then running at the gym. All this to get ready for Janathon, I have already planned that I will be out on new years day in my new running tights..yes even the mens running legs thingies are called tights…..I kid you not, they are bloody comfortable.

Anyway back on to tonight gym session….music I have to say sucked in there dark exercise room..blinking jedward video started as I started on the cross trainer, so that was a bad bad start…need to sort out my Ipod and get some running music on there, saying that  have on my PC some of Audiofuel running  stuff so think I will give that a go…need to run longer 2…..

tonight fun..

Cross trainer 10 min

Running 13 min 1.75km – 3 min walking (cool down)

Bike – 15 min

Rowimg Machine 1000m

So not to bad, need to go more that once a week I think, so might and I mean might go tomorrow again,  we shall see.

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Gym….Here we go again

by on Dec.15, 2010, under Fitness

Me and my other half Kerry joined a gym (I use to be a member off a rather naff gym a few years ago), I done both my inductions, so tonight I want off on my own to do my Cardio routine, which is….

  • 15 Min on the bike
  • 10 Min on the cross trainer
  • 10 Min on the treadmill – manage 1.6K in 13 minutes about 5 minutes was walking on warm up/cool down
  • 10 Min on the rowing machine

I got the time wrong on the bike and only did 10 minutes…opsy and I only managed 5 min on the rowing machine, but I was knackered, will do better next time…honest guv ;-) oh and all the above was done in the dark room, only UV lights and loud music…quite fun

So not to bad for my first real trip the the gym, will try the pool next time…they have a 15 meter pool so looking forward to jumping in after getting all hot and sweaty …….

Until next time……

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Janathon 2011

by on Nov.22, 2010, under Janathon Juneathon

I am taking part in the 2011 Janathon, details of the event can be found here http://www.Janathon.com, will give me a reason to blog more ;-)

I not a runner, never really done any, but I have the kit (running shoes etc), so I be building up distance during janathon, so roll on 01/01/2011……

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The site

by on Jul.20, 2010, under IT-related

Be looking around for themes for the site and the gallery which there a loads available…

I have found one for the gallery and are happy with it, will do a better logo at some point, but I really need to get some pictures up and running, so it time to go through over 75GB worth of pictures and start uploading them…

Theme for the web site will have to wait, can’t find one that jump out at me…lol


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