Janathon Day 4/31….3 what that?
by GJUK on Jan.04, 2011, under Janathon Juneathon
Well Day 3 was shall we say….it did not happen…what with sick kids sore legs meant I thought I better not do anything.
Going into Janathon, I thought I manage the run everyday, couple of K a day…that be easy, started at the gym a few weeks ago, and all was good…I’m not a runner, but had just completed a charity event swim 22 miles in 12 weeks, so was feeling good… positive if you like.
31st I ran at the gym, all was fine, felt good, I’m enjoying the running, something that @pucegreen got me into and liked the idea something that, when time permits we can do together (even talk of a runnning holiday).
1st of January, the start, time to get my running shoes on…and my new tights and most importantly to try ouy my Xmas present from @pucegreen a nike+ sportband….let just say it did not go quite like I thought it would…
2nd Jan….not going there again (see previous blog)
on the bright side…..
I am enjoying the running, but it going to take some time to get into the groove…look out juneathon
I have a plan, next Monday Badminton start up again so that my Monday Janathon’s sorted, I am dying to get out on the bike, been 4 months since I last used it and of course I going to jump back in the pool…..so for me janathon a going to consist of a bit of everything…except doing bugger all
So onto tonight activity…GYM…did all my arm weight training as well as my abs workout…then I jumped into the pool and did 400M mainly front crawl…..I hardly ever use my legs doing front crawl…after that I came home…feeling better about life and janathon
Is there such a thing as a easy triathlon? random thought of the day I know but still it not going away (the idea), well here to the rest of Janathon