I got roped into trying out a Zumba class by two friends as apparently I would make sure they would go!!
It’s safe to say that my co-ordination is pretty appalling especially if I have to move my arms and feet at the same time, so I wasn’t really sure how I would get on.
We turned up to find that the class was pretty full and run by a a lovely lady called Claudia (pronounced Clou dee ah). She wasted no time in making sure we were moving our feet and clapping our hands together to some fast Salsa music. I seemed to pick up the short routines ok but once I thought I’d mastered something, Clou dee ah quickly changed direction or added some Flamenco style hand movements. I got totally lost when the whooping and boobage shaking began!!
All in all, it was a good workout. I’ll probably go again but if I’m going to make a regular thing then I think I may invest in a DVD and practice at home a little so that I don’t look like the complete uncoordinated lunatic that I currently am.